Tirana city with lovely colors with its old histories of different culture religions and its new face changing following every season colors offer many cultural tourist attractions. Concert Halls with prestigious Churches & Cathedrals and University of Arts offer to each choir different audiences and architectural itineraries of culture monuments from Turkish empire to Italian fascist stile, to communist regime till the presence modern stile. All participants choirs will have the chance to listen & learn the traditional Iso-Polyphony following different workshops lead by the well known Albanian composers & conductors giving to each participant the opportunity to live the history of transmission of this very ancient stile of singing from 14 century to now days.

Suzana Turku Kashara- president of Festival
Besim Petrela- director of Festival
Bujar Alliiu- quoir conductor


– Promoting of Iso-Polyphony as a world heritage.

– Cultural Association organize all year long: choral tours to the main cities of Albania , Tirana, Shkoder, Berat, Gjirokaster, Saranda, Vlore , Apollonia/Fier, Korce ( 3 to 7 days). During tours we may organize 2-4 concerts to Albanian cities, meeting Albanian choirs, learning Iso Polyphony under Albanian master conductors, visiting cultural heritage – sightseeing and local wineries.

– Promoting Albanian choral music, Albanian composers and conductores: Zadeja , Daija, Harapi, Trako, Vako, Turku, Coba, Gj. Shllaku, etc.

– Promotion of Culture Tourism in Albania.

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    Albanian Iso-Polyphon

    Albanian Iso-Polyphony

The program of Festival will be open to: Diversity of international choral music ( from ancient to contemporary), sacred music, folk traditional & Jazz , is what the artistic spectrum of Festival will cover.
The Festival is particularly appealing for all amateurs choirs . Participants besides emotions interpretation of their program “free chosen”, will enjoy by the workshops the beautiful experience of learning &singing “Iso-Polyphony”, ( this earliest traditional Albanian music which is a world heritage value by UNESCO from 2006). Spirit of Iso-Polyphony is based on the individual creativity and enthusiasm of being & singing in the group by combining personal performance with that of each member of the group.

"To grow up friendship between people by promoting Iso-Polyphony"

Main aim of the Festival

Links & Attractions

Castles & Nature around Tirana

( Toptani , Petrela, Berat, Elbasan, Durres, Kruje); Cave of Pellumbas; Dajti Cable car.

Wineries around Tirana

Bardha, Uka; Kokomani; Cobo, Kallmet Gjoka; Arberi Kallmet.

Painters in Tirana

Tirana, Durres, Lezhe, Berat, Pogradec


Tirana’s Mosaic of Tirana ; National Muzeum; Trace of Communist regime : BunkArt 1&2; Leafs House etc;
National Historical Museum


Albanian Choral Tours 2023

2023/04/07 10:00:00

Contact us

Suzana Turku – President of Festival

Mob: +355675112044

E-mail: suzanaturku@hotmail.com


Besim Petrela – Director of Festival

Mob +355672059466

E-mail: bpetrela@hotmail.com


Laura Lila – Pianist and Secretary of Foreign Relations

 Mob +355 68 307 3011

E-mail: laura_lila09@hotmail.com



Bujal Alliu – Choir conductor

Mob : +355676357008

E-mail: alliubujar@gmail.com

Contact Info

National Choral Center “Iso Polyphony”

    How to arrive in Tirana by low cost flights?

    • International airport Mother Theresa – to Intl airports by Transavia, BluPanorama

    • Ohrid airport - Wizzair

    • Podgorica airport – Rayannair

    • Pristina airport – Easy jet & Eurowings etc.

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